Annual Retreat for Our Remote Team

In late July, over 30 System Six team members and their partners gathered in Denver for several days of good old fun together! We all arrived on Friday at the beautiful Omni Interlocken Hotel, where the team spent the weekend enjoying the many wonderful things the resort had to offer – a great gym, a fun bar with pool tables, a driving range, great food and drinks, and of course, a ton of sun by the pool! 

Friday night, we kicked off the weekend with dinner at Centro in Boulder – margaritas at dinner and to-go churros for our ride back to the hotel were especially big hits! Saturday, the team split up and went hiking, white water rafting, and museum exploring before reconvening for lunch. Several team members said they’ve now conquered their white water rafting fear and are looking forward to more challenging rapids next time! For lunch, we enjoyed cider, pretzels, and at the vista at Acreage by Stem Ciders. We finished just in time before the afternoon thunderstorms arrived.

We ended our weekend together on a high note – dinner at one of Denver’s hottest spots, the Happy Camper! Situated right in the middle of the restaurant, we cheered along as several adjacent groups celebrated birthdays, bachelorette’s and all kinds of joyful events! 

While we packed in a lot of activity, we also were so thankful we had the chance to spend so much time together! 

Being the Best Place to Work in Cloud Accounting

At System Six, our North Star is simple – to build the best place to work in Cloud Accounting. While we recognize we’ll never fully arrive at that goal, we are committed to always doing better. Our annual team gathering once a year is a joyful perk of working at System Six and provides us time to explore a new city, savor wonderful meals, and enjoy fun activities.

But, while we enjoy the time for it’s pure fun, our summer outings are even more powerful because of the connections we build with each-other. Especially in a remote environment, we know it takes time to get to know our peers and our managers, breaking the ice on Zoom meetings will never  feel 100% natural; in person time is essential.

This is why our summer gatherings are so important, and why they’ll continue to be a priority of ours as we keep growing – we’ll just need more space next year! Of course our whole team can’t always attend, but we relish the opportunity to get to know one another, share some laughs (or screams on the river!), and to get perhaps just a bit too competitive at the pool table. 

These small, unscheduled moments help us deepen our relationships, allowing us to better support each-other at work, solve problems faster, and appreciate one another more. It means virtual meetings feel a bit more natural when we truly know the person on the other side. All of these outcomes, we hope, make the day-to-day at System Six a bit more fun, joyful, and productive. Ultimately, we are building the best place to work in Cloud Accounting! 

Many thanks to our team for making the trip this summer.We can’t wait to see you again next summer – in a location soon to be announced!